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Frederik X: King of Tomorrow

Frederik 10. - Konge af i morgen | Udstilling på Amalienborgmuseet og Koldinghus

Special exhibition at the Amalienborg Museum, Christian VIII’s Palace
22 March 2024 – 8 September 2024

From 22 March to 8 September 2024, the Amalienborg Museum will show the exhibition ‘Frederik X: King of Tomorrow’ to mark the historical succession of the Danish throne that took place on 14 January. Through photographs, objects, video clips, paintings and sound, the exhibition paints a portrait of the new King of Denmark.

The exhibition invites you to get close to key events and themes in The King’s life and to see objects that are directly related to events and decisions that played a role in shaping The King as a person and as a monarch. Among the items on display are the heavy beam, nicknamed ‘Maren’, that The King had to dig out from under when he completed his Frogman training, HM Queen Mary’s wedding gown and HM King Frederik X’s naval dress uniform. You can also see unique, personal objects, such as The King’s first schoolbag and his dogsled whip from the Sirius expedition in Greenland.

The exhibition is shown here, at the Amalienborg Museum, in Christian VIII’s Palace. This palace, where the then Crown Prince had his apartments until his wedding in 2004, is located directly across from Frederik VIII’s Palace, which is now the Royal Couple’s Copenhagen residence.

After the exhibition closes at the Amalienborg Museum on 8 September, it will move to Koldinghus, which is also part of the Royal Danish Collection. Here, it will be on display from 11 October 2024 to 21 April 2025.

Admission to the exhibition is included in your ticket to the Amalienborg Museum during the exhibition period from 22 March to 8 September 2024. You can buy tickets right here